Pamela Philipose is The Wire’s ombudsperson (also known as public editor or reader’s editor), a position we created in July 2016 to add a new layer of transparency and accountability to our editorial functioning.
Pamela Philipose is a senior and highly regarded journalist with decades of experience as a reporter and editor at various newspapers, including, most recently, the Indian Express. She is not an employee of The Wire and will function independently of its editorial structure. Her mandate will be to examine and, where appropriate, investigate complaints and concerns that readers may have about its coverage.
The Wire undertakes to publish her views on its coverage without editorial interference.
The Wire is published in English, Hindi and Urdu. The Wire Science and LiveWire, which were earlier published as as standalone digital publications, are now a part of The Wire.
For all enquiries, clarifications, questions or complaints about published content, story pitches and submissions, business- and employment- related queries at The Wire.
For all enquiries, clarifications, questions or complaints about published content, story pitches and submissions, business- and employment- related queries at The Wire Hindi.
For all enquiries, clarifications, questions or complaints about published content, story pitches and submissions, business- and employment- related queries at The Wire Urdu.