The following letter and note below were first published on the n+1 magazine and have been republished with permission.A group of Jewish writers drafted this letter after seeing an old argument gain new power: the claim that critiquing Israel is antisemitic. Editors at a corporate-owned magazine were prepared to publish the letter, but their lawyers advised against it. The writers share this letter in solidarity with those who continue to speak out in support of Palestinian freedom. Add your name here.We are Jewish writers, artists, and activists who wish to disavow the widespread narrative that any criticism of Israel is inherently antisemitic. Israel and its defenders have long used this rhetorical tactic to shield Israel from accountability, dignify the US’s multibillion-dollar investment in Israel’s military, obscure the deadly reality of occupation, and deny Palestinian sovereignty. Now, this insidious gagging of free speech is being used to justify Israel’s ongoing military bombardment of Gaza and to silence criticism from the international community.We condemn the recent attacks on Israeli and Palestinian civilians and mourn such harrowing loss of life. In our grief, we are horrified to see the fight against antisemitism weaponised as a pretext for war crimes with stated genocidal intent.Antisemitism is an excruciatingly painful part of our community’s past and present. Our families have escaped wars, harassment, pogroms, and concentration camps. We have studied the long histories of persecution and violence against Jews, and we take seriously the ongoing antisemitism that jeopardises the safety of Jews around the world. This October just marked the five-year anniversary of the worst antisemitic attack ever committed in the United States: the eleven worshipers at Tree of Life – Or L’Simcha in Pittsburgh, who were murdered by a gunman who espoused conspiracy theories that blamed Jews for the arrival of Central American migrants, and in so doing, dehumanised both groups. We reject antisemitism in all its forms, including when it masquerades as criticism of Zionism or Israel’s policies. We also recognise that, as journalist Peter Beinart wrote in 2019, “Anti-Zionism is not inherently antisemitic—and claiming it is uses Jewish suffering to erase Palestinian experience.”We find this rhetorical tactic antithetical to Jewish values, which teach us to repair the world, question authority, and champion the oppressed over the oppressor. It is precisely because of the painful history of antisemitism and lessons of Jewish texts that we advocate for the dignity and sovereignty of the Palestinian people. We refuse the false choice between Jewish safety and Palestinian freedom; between Jewish identity and ending the oppression of Palestinians. In fact, we believe the rights of Jews and Palestinians go hand-in-hand. The safety of each people depends on the other’s. We are certainly not the first to say so, and we admire those who have modeled this line of thinking in the wake of so much violence.We understand how antisemitism and criticism of Israel or Zionism have been conflated. For years, dozens of countries have upheld the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of antisemitism. Most of its eleven examples of antisemitism regard comments on the state of Israel, with some open to interpretation enough that they limit the scope of acceptable critique. What’s more, the Anti-Defamation League classifies Anti-Zionism as antisemitism, despite the misgivings of many of its own experts. These definitions have scaffolded the Israeli government’s deepening relationships with far-right, antisemitic political forces, from Hungary to Poland to the United States and beyond—endangering Jews in diaspora. To counter these sweeping definitions, a group of scholars of antisemitism published the Jerusalem Declaration in 2020, offering more specific guidelines for identifying antisemitism and distinguishing it from criticism and debate around Israel and Zionism.Accusations of antisemitism at the slightest objection to Israeli policy have long allowed Israel to uphold a regime that human rights groups, scholars, legal analysts, and Palestinian and Israeli organisations have called apartheid. These accusations continue to cast a chilling effect across our politics. This has meant political suppression in Gaza and the West Bank, where the Israeli government conflates the very existence of Palestinian people with Jew hatred the world over. In propaganda aimed internally at its own citizens and externally toward the West, the Israeli government asserts that Palestinian grievance is not about land, mobility, rights, or freedom, but instead, antisemitism. In the last weeks, Israeli leaders have continued to instrumentalise the history of Jewish trauma to dehumanise Palestinians. Meanwhile, Israelis are arrested or suspended from their jobs for social media posts defending Gaza. Israeli journalists fear consequences for criticising their government.Characterising all critiques of Israel as antisemitic also conflates Israel and all Jewish people in the popular imagination. In the last two weeks, we’ve seen Democrats and Republicans alike gate-keep Jewish identity on the basis of support for Israel. A vague letter signed by dozens of public figures and published on October 23 parroted President Biden’s positioning of himself as an advocate for Jewish people based on his support for Israel. When the 92NY postponed an event with author Viet Thanh Nguyen, who had recently signed a letter calling for an end to Israel’s attacks on Gaza, its statement began by forefronting its identity as “a Jewish institution.” As others have observed, tools to historicise the October 7 attacks are seen as a repudiation of Jewish suffering rather than necessary to understand and end such violence.The idea that all criticism of Israel is antisemitic extends a view of Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims as inherently suspect; agents of antisemitism until they explicitly say otherwise. Since October 7, Palestinian journalists have faced unprecedented suppression. A Palestinian citizen of Israel was fired from his job at an Israeli hospital for a Facebook post from 2022 that quoted the first pillar of Islam. European leaders have banned pro-Palestine protests and criminalised displays of the Palestinian flag. In London, a hospital recently took down artwork by children from Gaza after a pro-Israel group claimed it made Jewish patients feel “vulnerable, harassed and victimised.” Somehow, even artwork by Palestinian children was accompanied by a hallucination of violence.US leaders have welcomed this chance to further conflate Jewish safety with unquestioning, unwavering military funding for Israel with no intention of making peace. On October 13, the US State Department circulated an internal memo urging officials not to use the language of “de-escalation/ceasefire,” “end to violence/bloodshed,” or “restoring calm.” On October 25, Biden doubted the Palestinian death toll and called it the “price” of Israel’s war. Such cruel logic will continue to foster both antisemitism and Islamophobia. The Department of Homeland Security is preparing for an expected rise in hate crimes against both Jews and Muslims—it has already begun.For each of us, Jewish identity is not a weapon to wield in a fight for statist power but a fount of generational wisdom that says justice, justice, you shall pursue. Tzedek, tzedek, tirdof. We object to the exploitation of our pain and the silencing of our allies.We call for a ceasefire in Gaza, a solution for the safe return of the hostages in Gaza and Palestinian prisoners in Israel, and an end to Israel’s ongoing occupation. We also call on governments and civil society in the United States and across the West to stand up against the repression of support for Palestine.And we refuse to allow such urgent, necessary demands to be suppressed in our names. When we say never again, we mean it.SIGNED,Leah Abrams, writerTavi Gevinson, writer and actorRebecca Zweig, writer and filmmakerNan Goldin, artist and activistNaomi KleinTony Kushner, writerDeborah Eisenberg, writerSarah Schulman, writerVivian GornickAnnie Baker, playwright and directorHari Nef, actor and writerJudith Butler, writerIlana Glazer, comedianAbbi Jacobson, writer and actorAlison Leiby, writerJudy Kuhn, actorEmma Seligman, writer/directorJames Schamus, filmmakerHoward A. Rodman, writer, professor and former president of WGAWEli Valley, writer and artistEmma Straub, writerLynne Tillman, writerMolly Crabapple, artist and authorHannah BlackOmer Bartov, Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Brown UniversityLior Sternfeld, Associate Professor of History and Jewish Studies, Penn State UniversitySarah Sophie Flicker, organizer, artist, writer and co-founder of Firebrand, The Meteor, The Resistance Revival Chorus, The Citizens Band and The Women’s MarchRyan Deitsch, writer, filmmaker, March For Our Lives Co-FounderMorgan Bassichis, performerHelen Rosner, writerMark Greif, writerSoraya Nadia McDonald, writerFanny Singer, writerJosh Gondelman, writerCyrus Dunham, writerLaura Kipnis, writerNadja Spiegelman, writer and editorMark Harris, writerCindi Leive, writerNico BaumbachKate Kohn, freelance writer and independent artistNoah Kulwin, writer and co-host of BlowbackSam Marks, playwrightNatasha Lennard, columnist at The Intercept and professor at The New School for Social ResearchJesse A. Myerson, independent writerElvia Wilk, writer and editorSam Max, freelance writer and film directorMark Krotov, coeditor and publisher of n+1Anna Merlan, journalist and authorSarah Strunin, documentary filmmaker and producerAri Brostoff, Senior Editor at Jewish CurrentsKeith Gessen, n+1Eric Wohlstadter, writerSam Adler-Bell, writer and co-host of the Know Your Enemy podcastClaire Buss, filmmakerBrian Becker, documentary filmmakerPeter Goldberg, filmworker and writerHannah Zeavin, Founding Editor, ParapraxisMicah Gottlieb, artistic director of MezzanineMaris Kreizman, writerAlex Megaro, filmmakerAndreas Petrossiants, writerAlec Niedenthal, writerMichelle Uranowitz, filmmaker and teacherCollier Meyerson, writerAdam Shatz, U.S. editor of the London Review of BooksSara Skolnick, artist and activistLainey Rico Racah, artistAlison Klayman, documentary filmmakerSarah Brin, futurist and writerJeremy Hersh, filmmakerSophie Ellman-Golan, Jews For Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ)Emma Copley Eisenberg, writerHilary Leichter, writerArlin Golden, filmworkerMoriel Rothman-Zecher, writerJulia Fine, authorAdam Gundersheimer, cinematographer and filmmakerSasha Geffen, authorMattie Lubchansky, artist and authorJason Rosenberg, public health advocate and organizerHannah Gold, writerCaroline Golum, filmmaker and writerBrian Gersten, documentary filmmakerLena Ruth Solow, writerSarah Leonard, writer and editorChase Berggrun, poetJacqui Shine, writerJess Zimmerman, writer and editorLeila Teitelman, writer, theater maker and professorTemim Fruchter, writerSam Weinberg, musician and composerJiordan Castle, writerDrew Burnett Gregory, filmmaker, writer and Senior Editor at AutostraddleMik Moore, writer and producerKatie Halper, host of The Katie Halper Show, co-host of Useful IdiotsElijah Kinch Spector, authorT Kira Māhealani Madden, writerNicola Maye Goldberg, novelistSamara Breger, writerDeborah Adelman, writer, Professor Emerita English and Film Studies, College of DuPageNoelani Piters, writerAnnie Diamond, poetSophie Nunberg, writerAntonia Angress, novelistHannah Withers, writerMaggie Tokuda-Hall, children’s and YA book authorJake Steinberg, writerAli Rachel Pearl, writer and community organizerDavid Gorin, writerHannah Selinger, writerLindsay Eanet, freelance writerSophia Holtz, writerAnne Alexander, filmmakerHarrison Jacobs, journalist and digital director at ARTnews and Art in AmericaAaron Freedman, writerNatan Last, writerLily Meyer, writerchloe feffer, writerDanielle Lazarin, writerJake Maia Arlow, WriterCharlotte Druckman, writerEmma Specter, writerCaren Beilin, writerMindy Isser, writerMakenna Goodman, writerEmma Goldman-Sherman, playwright and poetAdin Dobkin, writerJoshua Gutterman Tranen, writerRosamund Lannin, writerSarah Rebecca Kessler, writer and professorJackie Mansky, writerAmy Rose Spiegel, authorJoshua Daniel Edwin, poetWill Harrison, writerHannah Lane, writer in situBela Shayevich, writer and translatorDan Fishback, playwrightTwilight Greenaway, journalist and editorSarah Gottlieb, dancer, writerMarianna NashElizabeth Weiss, writerJoey Gould, poet and editorSophie Reiff, independent writer, UC Berkeley School of Social WelfareZachary Zalman Green, poetElaine Kahn, writer and founder of Poetry Field SchoolGal Amiram, ArtistRyan Ruby, writerRose Lichter-Marck, writerPhil Weiss, writerNoah Hurowitz, journalistMitchell Plitnick, President of ReThinking Foreign PolicyLiam Benzvi, writerP.E. Moskowitz, authorTheo Ellin-Ballew, poetLaura Tanenbaum, writer, activist, professorGabriel Winant, historianZan Romanoff, writer and authorLyle Jeremy Rubin, writerAaron Gell, writerEva Rosenfeld, writerLara Langer Cohen, professor and authorGreg Nissan, writerAjay Singh Chaudhary, Executive Director, Brooklyn Institute for Social ResearchElena Comay del Junco, writer and academicJoshua Dubler, writer and teacherJosh Cohen, writerFT, philosopherArlene Stein, Professor of Sociology, Rutgers UniversityJackson Howard, writer and Senior Editor at FSGKate Levin, writerAlana Pockros, writer and editor at The Nation MagazineBen Lorber, writerBenjamin Balthaser, Associate Professor of English, Indiana University, South BendGreg Nussen, film critic at Slant MagazineSteven Levine, Professor of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts, BostonLeor Galil, senior writer for Chicago ReaderKatrina Forrester, writer and professorJulie Bush, writer and producerSamuel Black, documentary filmmakerRaya Shapiro, writer and editorIlana Cruger-Zaken, writerJenni Miller, writer and editorDan Sinykin, writer and professorDaniel Poppick, poetMordecai Martin, writer and Yiddish translatorElliot Sperber, writer and lawyerHannah Lifson, designerEzra David Mattes, artist and writerJT Price, writer and editor-in-chief of Brazenhead ReviewThea Riofrancos, Associate Professor of Political ScienceAnne Trubek, writer and publisherPaul Rosenberg, reporter and editorJonathan L. Krohn, writerDavid Kurnick, writer and teacherMiriam Pensack, writer and editorDan Berger, historian and writerHoward Winant, University of California, Santa BarbaraElizabeth Greenspan, writerMarcy Dermansky, writerSarah Jaffe, journalist and authorZachary Levenson, writer, editor and professorJoanne Limburg, writerMax Asher Miller, author and journalistRachel Jane Andelman, writerSo Mayer, writerNick Cassenbaum, playwright and theater makerNatasha Diaz, YA author and screenwriterAsher Elbein, writerJeremy Howard Beck, composerrax king, writerSam Goldner, freelance writerJohanna Winant, writerJason Patinkin, journalistLiz Loeb, community organizerDavid Stein, historian and writerGemma Cooper-Novack, writerCharna Albert, writerJolie Maya-Altshuler, writer and musicianEm Goldman, writer and musicianBen Jay, data journalist and photographerRachel Lieberman, dancer and teacherJuri Henley-Cohn, actorLawrence Rosenwald, Professor of English Emeritus, Wellesley CollegeCarly Usdin, filmmakerTristan Zelden, writerNadia Baram, photographerMaxine Kaplan, writerSarah Kapit, writerAgnes Monod-Gayraud, writer and translatorJamie Peck, writer and podcasterAvi Steinberg, writerAndrea Kurland, journalist, writer, editor-in-chief (Huck) and documentary filmmakerAnita Zsurzsán, independent scholar and writerMelissa Pinsly, writer and filmmakerClaire Bentley, writerLeslie Auerbach, editor and translatorBen Schrager, actor and writerBenjamin Kemper, writerFred Baumgarten, writer and activistEmily Wilder, writer, editor and researcherEmily Heller, television writer and comedianJamie Lauren Keiles, writerDvora Meyers, journalist and authorXander Gershberg, writer and editorShira Klein, Associate Professor of History, Chapman UniversityBrian Goldstone, writerHelen Betya Rubinstein, writerJake Romm, writer and editor at Protean MagazineMandy Seiner, writer, poetry editorAaron Landsman, theater artist and organizerSophie Frances Kemp, writerFederico Perelmuter, writerHarry Eskin, moving-image archivistIsaac Zisman, writerSammy Loren, writer and curator of Casual EncounterszElizabeth Weill-Greenberg, Senior Reporter, The AppealNancy Ko, writer, critic and historianMonica Uszerowicz, writerDorian Stuber, writer and professorSanders Isaac Bernstein, writerKen Ehrlich, artist and writer, faculty member at CalArtsBen Libman, writerDavid Klion, writerJustin Feldman, writer and researcherBench Ansfield, writerJeremy Levick, writerDaniela Fuentes-Eckman, writerCharlotte Rosen, writer and editorLinda Bosniak, academic writerAlex Pomerantz, musician/improviserNico Millman, writer and editorDaniela Dover, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Oxford UniversityDaniel Kolitz, writerAdele Oltman, writerRachel Hinda Roberts, playwrightZoe Dubno, writerAlexander Fredman, writerNathan Tankus, writerJoshua Abramson Cohen, writerAimee Levitt, writerEli Cohen, photo editor and writerPeter C. Baker, writerUmru Rothenberg, artistEmily MartinAndy Rose Fidoten, filmmakerDavid Naimon, writer and host of Between the CoversAllison Tamarkin Paller, Seven Stories PressRob Goyanes, writer and editorAron Lee Rosenberg, writer, activistRachel Davies, writerEmma Blake Handler, artistNoah Jacobs, freelance film producer/assistantEmma Gometz, writer, artistsierra, therapist and artistAlana M. Vincent, historian of religionKyle Lukoff, authorhaley mlotek, writerMarcia Steinbock, artistDeborah April, writerEmily LeverA.J. Goldmann, writer and criticNaomi Gordon-Loebl, writerDavid Kornfield, documentary filmmaker and producerAndrew Feinstein, writerCari Luna, writerJessica Blatt, writer/professorJonathan Dubow, writerZack Furness, Associate Professor of Communications, Penn State UniversityShoshana Adler, professorStacey Gladstone, writerAlex Sherman, artistKendra Preston Leonard, writerSophia Munic, Jewish artistCosmo August, artistBradley Babendir, writerIan Zuckerman, Associate Professor, Regis UniversityBen Alpers, historianDerek Baron, writerNoah Teichner, filmmaker, artist-researcherMaggie Millner, poetDaria Reaven, writerRuth Geye, playwrightAlan Bleiweiss, business consultant/advocate for the vulnerableJoe G. Wessely, artist and editorNina Segal, playwrightDavid Iscoe, writerJeff Sharlet, writer, Professor of English, Dartmouth CollegeEmily Lipstein, editorZara Cadoux, educator and researcherJacob Bacharach, writer and criticJenny Slattery, documentary producerMeli Sameh, writer, editorSheerly Avni, writerMelanie Bilenker, artistJonathan Tall, journalistAdrian Levy, writer, producerJake Aron, music producer, mixer, musicianH N Hirsch, political scientist, writerCaroline Conrad, writer and filmmakerJason Adam Katzenstein, cartoonistDamon Krukowski, writer, musicianHannah Grieco, writerDaniela Bologna, writer, artistMelissa Finell, filmmakerJess Shane, artistHannah Levy, Editor, The RebisEmma Silvers, writerAlex Liebman, artistPam Grossman, writer and host of The Witch Wave podcastGogo Lidz, Journalist, writerDella Kurzer-Zlotnick, artistAmy Kamp, writerCaitlin HughesHarris Kornstein, writerNatalia Winkelman, writerEmma Horwitz, writerZachary Aborizk, writer and filmmakerAlyx Gorman, editorDelia Rainey, writerSarah Friedland, filmmaker and choreographerRebecca Gross, writer, organizer and academicEva Peskin, artist, writer, educatorDani Martinez, composerKaren Pittelman, writerHannah Kinney-Konre, writerDaniel José Older, authorEli Nachimson, writerSteven Louis Goldstein, writerMiryam Jivotovski, writer, activistJustin Geldzahler, writer/filmmakerJoe Eichner, writerDavid Cohen, filmmaker and editorSadie Dupuis, writerClarke Sondermann, artistMaurice Goldberg, artistNever Angeline North, author, poet, artistDanny Caine, poet and writerBen Katchor, cartoonistAaron Shay, writer and community organizerAndrew Weiner, writer, academicJulie Cohen, novelistNicole Panter, writer, editorJaclyn Zeccola, educatorRuth Minah Buchwald, writer, comedian, host of lactose intolerant Reading SeriesMatthew Whiman, writer and editorLuke Dani Blue, writerLana Schwartz, writerPip Caplan, artistSusana Medina, writerAlice Proujansky, photographer, writerNaama Carlin, writer and academicKeaton Slansky, independent writer, activist, lapsed filmmaker, Graduate Student at The New School for Social ResearchSeth L. Sanders, Professor of Religion and Jewish Studies, author of The Invention of Hebrew and From Adapa to Enoch, coeditor of Ancient Jewish Sciences and the History of Knowledge and Cuneiform in CanaanCleo Stiller, Editor-in-ChiefFrankie de la Cretaz, writerJacob Scheier, writer, poetNatalie Weiner, writerMichiums, artistsally glass, writer, artist, editorLauren Sandler, writerRachel Krause, copywriter and editorCharlie Schulman, playwrightAaron Wolfson, writerBen Natan, writer at SB NationNikolai Schulman, writerRachel Linsky, dancer, choreographerRyan Mandelbaum, writerKatrina Forrester, writer and professorLynne Zeavin, psychoanalystJulie Bush, writer/producerNaomi Asa, writerJoe Wolfond, writerDan Schindel, writer, editorGary Barwin, writer and artistScott Dillon, writerPhilip Nobel, writerJay Babcock, writer/editorBlythe Marks, writer and editorKylie Thomas, researcher and writerMichael Isaac Stein, reporterDaniel Felsenthal, writerAmy Prickett, producerHannah Kingsley-Ma, writerAndreas Martin, educatorLaura Landau, writer/scholarJane Drinkard, writerLibby Alexander, painterHarold Crooks, filmmakerMiriam Klein Stahl, artistRobin Beth Schaer, writerMichael Cucher, professor, writerKyle Dillon Hertz, writerAmy Goldwasser, writer, editorRobert Cohen, writerJeremy Appel, writerSarah Resnick, writer and editorTracy Rosenthal, writerJulia Rittenberg, writerWilla Nasatir, artistEli Grober, writerJosina Manu Maltzman, writer and organizerRhonda Lieberman, writerDanielle Dutton, writerErich Strom, editor and writerShana Sippy, Associate Professor of Religion, Centre CollegeNikki Columbus, writer and editorkaren whiteson, writerHannah Wilker, studentAlex Harrison, editor and criticNathan Strauss, broadcaster, journalistzoe mendelson, writerMichael Luxemburg, writer, directorRachel Neumann, authorJulia Conrad, writerAnna Cahn, writerEmma Jude Harris, director and dramaturgMichele Rosenthal, illustratorDavid Grossman, writerYoni Gelernter, writerJeanne Vaccaro, writer and curatorLila Byock, television writerShelly Jay Shore, writerRachel Saywitz, writerJenny Dubnau, artistStephen Fruchtman, playwright and actorRivka Schoenbaum, musicianMolly Wilvich, designer, creator, makerCara Onofrietti, artistEmet North, writerLauren Hayes, musician, sound artist and professorMolly Segal, artistKate Jessica Raphael, writerLeo Rose Rodriguez, writerRebecca Watson Horn, artistFiona Lowenstein, writer and editorFrancisco Caicedo Montes, ITAmy Schiller, writerFaith Hillis, writerKayla Dinces, educatorCapri Jones, writerJed Proujansky, activistAlhena Katsof, writerAriel Sussman, writerTim Wise, author, antiracism educator and activistAdrienne Becker, creator, producer and entrepreneurSamantha Ross, writerLux Alptraum, writer and authorSusan Miller, artist and educatorBecky Albertalli, authorHester Fox, writerMeg Cass, writerMichael Rakowitz, artistGabriel Kahane, musicianSarra Scherb, writerJoshua Multer, writerCasey Felton, chefDavid Blumenstein, cartoonistErin Cornell, dancer, choreographer, HCPHannah Silver, writerDaniel Sieradski, founder, Jewschool.comA.V. Marraccini, writerRachel Eve Ginsberg, artistIsabel Pabán Freed, writerDina Davis, author, editorSage Madans, writer and artistMichael Blenner, writer and activistAustin Smith, writer, dramatist, directorMatvei Yankelevich, poet, translator, editorDr. Sam Shuman, anthropologistJesse Mechanic, writerMaia Ettinger, writer and translatorKate Levin, writer and professorSydney Bauer, writerAndrew Rosenblum, writerJason Grote, writer (Mad Men, Hannibal)Sascha Cohen, writerRaymonde Chira, writer and artistMichelle Schaffner, artistJessica Friedmann, writer and editorDavid Ben Yellowitz, musician and composerAshley Feinberg, writerJanna Radovsky Frelich, musician, artist, writerAmy Beecher, artistPeli Grietzer, writerKaren Pearlston, scholar and activistYve Laris Cohen, artistEli Winter, musician, writerJake Sonnenberg, health justice advocateAmy Stillman, writerGeoff GerberNaomi Kritzer, writerDaniel Schwartz, writer, lyricist, playwrightLeora Fridman, writer, curator, educatorJulia Bouwsma, poetDavid Jones-Krause, writer/editorEmily Drew Miller, artistCookie Woolner, writer and professorEli Coplan, artistArkady Martine, writerNadiya Sivin-Kachala, studentScott B. Ritner, Department of Political Science and Program for Writing and Rhetoric, University of Colorado, BoulderNeil Schneider, writerDaniel Luban, writer and academicAlice R Wexler, writerDaria Vaisman, writerDavid Rosenberg, playwright, filmmaker and actorVeronica Schanoes, writer and professorMatilda Bickers, writerSonya Posmentier, writer/scholarJay Eisenberg, writer, actor, co-founder of WeAreMarried performance groupRachel Murro, researcherAnnabelle Quezada, writer and filmmakerStanya Kahn, artist, film writerLynne Gerber, writerEliot Klein, musician, artistRyan SmithMichelle Smirnova, sociologistEmily Dreyfuss, writer and editorKat Cummings, writerEly Henry, actorNaomi Fontanos, Filipina writerDavid Mordecai Perry, historianKobe Bryan Coo, BS Architecture student, ‘MarAPAT’ author and head writer, tracker musicianJay Shifman, writerChanda Prescod-Weinstein, writer and scientistBen Mauk, writerOcean Edgar, student, writerZylla Black, writer, editor, YouTuberRebecca Rubenstein, writer and editorJay Deshpande, poet and psychotherapistMickey Bloom, writerLovey Cooper, editorChristopher BooneMatthew Beinart, writerAdam Brooks, artistBarry Deutsch, cartoonist and writerGayle Brandeis, writerKate Gronner, artistAllan Malkis, activistNorman Chernick-Zeitlin, artistArielle Cohen, writer and communications strategistGrace Glads, writerJonathan Graubart, author, Jewish Self-Determination Beyond Zionism: Lessons from Hannah Arendt and other PariahsTsela Barr, artistCassandra Jensen, writer and editorMayahan Carmona, educatorMarina Michelson, filmmakerMichael Levin, musicianMadeleine Wattenbarger, writerCarina Guiterman, editor, Simon & SchusterHannah Aizenman, writerJay Schaffner, editorPhil Goldstein, writerMichael Levine, authorAlan Gilbert, writer, Professor, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of DenverKristin Herbeck, activistMelanie Gayle Bowman, artistMichael Kranz, software engineerLaura McMahon, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Eastern Michigan UniversityKayla Levy, writerJessie Male, writer and Disability Studies scholarAnne Wolf, artistTamler Sommers, writer and philosophy professorDavid Golbitz, writerAbigail Segel, writerLiz Speiser, artistKate Laster, Artist, writerGrace Robins-Somerville, writerNoga Wizansky, artistAri Mostov, writerYaël Krinsky, writerJimmy Goldblum, director and writerRebekah Erev, artistZachary Rice, writerMorgan Spector, actorElizabeth Weil, writerLena Rose Walker, poetJoanne Barkan, writerHarriet Friedmann, writerLila Steinbach, studentJonathan Dresner, historianSiobhan Burke, writerLauren S. Berliner, writer and professorJessica Bruder, journalist and authorEllen Tremper, Professor of English, CUNY Brooklyn CollegeSam Greenspan, artistJoshua Sperber, Assistant Professor of Political ScienceNina Fonoroff, filmmakerDr. Matthew Berger, author, From Shtetl To Suburb: An Immigrant Jewish Journey Through PhiladelphiaSandy Gerber, member, Minneapolis synagogue antiracism groupPhoebe Wahl, writer, illustratorDebra Berliner, public health advocateGil Tighe, artistSasha Senderovich, Associate Professor of Slavic and Jewish Studies, University of WashingtonAbe Ross Levine, writer, reporter, teacherFranklin Zitter, producerShai Porter, writer, editorEdie Griffin, writer, artist, activistJolie Maya-Altshuler, writer and musicianAmy Seroussi, artistEmily O. Weltman, writerDanny Abel, filmmakerSamantha Yelensky Goodner, filmmakerMegan R. Luke, writer and teacherJoel Danilewitz, writerJacob/Amelia Isaacson, amateur/hobby creativeSara Friedman, filmmakerJoe Rivano Barros, editor at Mission LocalCharles Postel, historian, writerAndrew Miller, musicianSteven Klein, writer and academicAnna Perry, writer, artist, scientistMenno Ong, attorneyDebra Landau, choreographer, dancer, aerialist, director, writerJordan Strafer, artist, filmmakerGemma Barnett, actor, writerSophie Moskowitz, software engineer and sometimes artistDavid Beus, translatorBenjamin Moser, writeremet ezell, poetTed Scheinman, journalist, authorF.I. Goldhaber, poet, essayist, fiction writerEleanor Stern, writer, video essayistLucas Scheelk, poetNina Berclaz, artistCalli Ryan, artistRos Schwartz, translatorDavid Myer Temin, writer and professorAine Gormley, lecturerRebecca Schneid, writerDylan Shir, artistLeon Dische Becker, writer, editorRachel Afi Quinn, writer and professorDr. Adina Lundy, researcherCamille Charriere, writerSeth R. M., artistLily Gurton-Wachter, writer/scholarDori Midnight, writerSophie Hurwitz, writerMaya Schindler, artistMadeleine Bazil, writer and filmmakerSally Wolchyn-Raab, artistSarah Spring, filmmakerAsher Levinthal, documentary filmmakerSerkan Ozturk, writerAnna Dumont, art historianEJ Marcus, writer, comedianJordan Hirsch, musicianMiriam Adelman, poet, researcher and translator, Professor Emeritus, Federal University of Paraná, BrazilAdam Y. Stern, academicJared Beloff, poetSharyn Blum, artist, designer, writer, editorNatalie Adler, writer, editorSierra Pettengill, filmmakerSamira Feldman Marzochi, sociologistBrant Rosen, writer, liturgist, poetRon Knox, writerSarah Marian Seltzer, writerTheresa Lister, translatorMelt, poetRivka Yeker, writer, editor and community organizerSonia Ruscoe, artistCorey Atad, writerMichael Kazin, historianSarah Weinman, writerPhilip Eil , writer and journalistBrett Martin, writerAmie Z. Morrison, composer, performance artistEmma Teitelman, historianMax Nelson, editorLilah Friedland, artistJessica Carr, Berman Scholar for Jewish Studies, Lafayette College, Easton, PAAlex Wermer-Colan, writer, translator, editorSara Seinberg, artist, writerShelley Etkin, artist and educatorAnne Bernstein, artistSophie Lewis, translator and editorSusan M. Reverby, Professor Emerita of the History of Ideas and Women’s and Gender Studies, Wellesley CollegeLawrence Rosenwald, writer, translatorTodd Chandler, filmmakerKathryn Levy, poetJonathan Drucker, songwriterEloise Goldsmith, writerJulie Fain, publisher, Haymarket BooksNatasha Bergman, musician, actorEli Friedman, writerEmmett V. Pinsky, writer, arts workerDavid Kahane, writer, political theoristZach Samalin, writer and professorElena Novak, freelance writer and member of the National Writers UnionFelicia Davin, writerAmie Z. Morrison, composer, performance artistAlexandra (Sasha) Weiss, writerJonathan Woollen, translator, publishing workerErica Friedman, writer, editorRachel Mannheimer, poetJacqueline Feldman, writerPerri Meldon, writer and historianJenny Fran Davis, writerMedaya Ocher, editorDavid Waldstreicher, historianIsaac Butler, writerEmma Gorenberg, writer, educatorLizzy Saxe, writerStephen Lurie, writer and organizerBen Steiner, artist and engineerNicolas Krief, writerPól Ó Duibhir, writer/bloggerEric Marlin, playwrightClaire Schwartz, culture editor, Jewish CurrentsSandra Butler, writerAlexandra Tanner, writerCandice Breitz, artistJoe McDowell, educator, artistKathy Engel, poetEli Jelly-Schapiro, writer and professorSam Eichner, writerSophia Schlesinger, poetSusan Engel, professorAyaz Muratoglu, writerHenry Freedland, writer, editor and musicianRyann Liebenthal, writerMimi Eisen, writerJuana Berrío, cultural producerRob Arcand, writerBeverly Gologorsky, writerJames D. Bloom, teacher, writerTaRessa Stovall, writerLyra Walsh Fuchs, writer, editorCharles Star, writer, podcasterIan Dreiblatt, poet, translator, and soup-makerRaina Lipsitz, writerAlison Fairbrother, writer and editorZachary Siegel, writerBen Becker, artistBlythe Eden Kanis, artistMarilyn Hacker, poet and translatorMichael Grossman, designer, archivist, editor, tech ethics activistSpencer Ackerman, journalist and authorKatz Tepper, artistSam Zucker, filmmakerAdam Bresnick, teacher and writerMarian Leighton Levy, independent music company founderBenjamin Case, researcher and writerAaron David Kerner, translatorPete Segall, writerGérald Lajoie-Restrepo, artistNikolai Melamed Kleivan, MorgenbladetTheresa Ganz, artistJessie HF Hammerling, researcher, UC BerkeleyKirby Chen Mages, writer, artistAnnelise Orleck, writer, historian, educatorSam Sax, writerLiza St. James, writerLucas Schaefer, writerAndrew Schenker, writerSuzanne Grace Demko, writerLainie Keper, unionist, activistRachel Ossip, editorSam Venis, writerMiche Budin, artist, activistSaifur Rahman Khan, writer and teacherCamille Lévy Sarfati, writer, curator, filmmakerAndy Hines, writerJeff Wood, artist, educator, theatermakerShelly Silver, filmmaker and artistCharlotte Rubin, writer and human rights lawyersunny harris, writerKathryn Sabbeth, professorEmily Green, writerAdahlia Cole, artist, photographerJohannah King-Slutzky, writerDanuta Berger, freelance musicianGeorgia Hampton, writerRob Rice, filmmakerLillian Fishman, writerTaylor Minas, writerTyler McBrien, writer, editorKurt Suchman, writerDaniel Stein, law professorCari Gardner, community organizerDaniel Waite Penny, journalistHannah Feldman, writer and professorAdrienne Brown, writer and professorYakov Hirsch, writerBruce Robbins, writer and academicGabriel Fine, writerSonia Feigelson, writer and editorHarvey J. Graff, historian and professor emeritusSandee Lippman, editorJustin Fedich, writerSarah Jean Grimm, poetZack Schlosberg, writerLotte Crawford, academicTyler McBrien, writer, editorAndy Ratto, writerElianna Kan, writer, literary agentNicola Maye Goldberg, writerSean Keeley, writer and editorSanti Carneri, writer, photographer, filmmakerClaire Kahane, professor, writerEli Petzold, bookseller, artistAri Weismanchester, comedianSara Feldman, Yiddish instructor, scholarMatthew Paley, artistHilarie Ashton, writer and college teacherPeter Kuznick, historianRob Dubbin, writerRebecca Clark, writer, professorEllen Meeropol, writerZoë Dutka, writerKoby Leff, filmmakerLinda Hubner, ITDS, Child Developmental SpecialistRobert Meeropol, writerMark Bray, Assistant Teaching Professor of History, Rutgers UniversityJeff Rice, political science, Northwestern UniversityMark Sheldon, writerMargaux Fitoussi, anthropologistMichael Robin, therapist, writerKelsey Goodman, researcherAviva Shen, writer and editorSuzanne Weiss, Holocaust survivor, author, activistAndréa Becker, writer, researcher, advocatePortia Krieger, theater directorLeanne Mella, curator and writerPaul Weinfield, author, musician, and coachAllie Gross, writerCaren Levy-Van Slyke, editorKali Fajardo-Anstine, writerProfessor Mike Gibson, urban development consultant and community activistDaniel Lukes, writerHillary Brenhouse, writer and editorCatherine Schetina, writer and filmmakerMichael Rothberg, scholar in Holocaust studiesMax Moorhead, writer, agent, editorMax Fine, writerEmily Laskin, translator and journalistRosalind Galt, professor of film studiesJuliet Kleber, contributing editor, n+1Mark Goldwert, copywriterAlex Kanefsky, writerLincoln Spector, former humorist, current film bloggerSarah Jill Rubin, writer, editorMichael Wolfson, creativeJames Presson, writerSam Asher, Associate Professor of Economics, Imperial College LondonNaomi Sussman, writer, historianBrian Benson, writerMicah Piven, architectural designerJacob Smith, podcast producerAdam Golfer, artistPeter Ekegren, retired senior lecturerLaurie Levinger, writerAli Castleman, writer and editorJasper Diamond Nathaniel, writerDavid Marcus, writer and editorDebby Wolfinsohn, writerIsabel Kaplan, writerJulie Wolk, organizational consultant, activist, writerSam Geballe, artistSam Rappaport, writerDaniel Sherrell, writer and climate activistLeah Velez, writerMatthew Mearns, attorneyLaura Gordon, artist and filmmakerMolly Rosen Marriner, writer and editorAmanda Grossman, artistTessa Andriopoulos, strategistKaren Vost, artistSophie Abramowitz, writer and scholarNaomie Romano, artistAnna Shechtman, writerSydney Fuller, studentLynne Peskoe-Yang, investigative journalistEli Rudavsky, writer and filmmakerAlexander Theodore Moshe Cocotas, writerPaul Breines, retired academicHolly Higgins, retailZachary Finkelstein, artistMary Geraghty, history teacherRebecca Falkoff, writer, professorJacob Montgomery, writerZoey HyamsEmma Keates, writerSophie Herron, poet and former 92NY staffTallulah Bark-Huss, writerAmanda Nash, activistRachel Miller, medical fieldMatthew Siegel, poetMary ZoeterTalia Gorstein, studentJessica Ritz, writerAlex Remnick, interdisciplinary artist, DJ, producerVance Dietz, physicianNathan Rand, writerNati Charney, studentChelsea Ross, writer and artistSasha Costanza-Chock, writerTai Shani, artistMaya Buffett-Davis, artistCJ Ronan Nelson, illustratorJennifer Silverstein, mental health clinician, writerEmil Kerenji, writerLazer Lederhendler, literary translatorBrook Becker, writerKatherine Silver, writer, translator, interpreterMaura Barrios, historian, writerMicki Boden, writerJake Bittle, journalistLauren Gutterman, historian, professorDr. Monica Prendergast, professorAndrea Lawson Gray, writerDee Howard, writer and artistJake Levin, writer and artistRandi Axelrod, educatorAdam Schorin, writerTal Yarden, video artist, theater makerTova Benjamin, writerYonah Aviva, writer and studentSean Gullette, writer, filmmaker, actorFarrell Greenwald Brenner, writerFelicity Taylor, pensionerAlexa Derman, writerJennifer Gilmore, writerTobias Huttner, scholar, teacherDeborah Hirsch Carver, readerMiller Oberman, poetLeila Register, writer/illustratorSarah Levin, writer, artistRobert Brenner, writerCindy McPherson, American JewShivaun Watchorn, editor, writerJenny Kutner, writerAvery M. Guess, poetKevin Tucker, writer, publisher, musician and chefMax Delsohn, writerAdam Roberts, writer and donor organizerSusie Rivo, filmmaker, activistAnna Boorstin, writerPenelope Dick, studentHaley Jakobson, writerSarina Hahn, artistHanna Wellish, artistMiriam Felton-Dansky, writerRebecca Bornstein, writer, educatorMolly Zuckerman-Hartung, artist and writerMax Bledstein, sessional academic, University of New South WalesMax Alper, composer, educator, writerKatie Marya, writer and translatorChampe Barton, writer, journalistJonathon Mello, playwright and labor organizerSusan Pashkoff, writer, political activistZoe M. Raphael, actor and artistJosie Abugov, writerJudith Elliott, educatorAndrew Fox, songwriterErina Duganne, writerEgina Manachova, writerLila Rachel Becker, theater artistShterna Goldbloom, artistSarah Perchikoff, writerAllison Brown, editorJocelyn Silver, writerJameson Rich, writerMichael Meeropol, writer, lecturer, radio commentatorSusan Bernofsky, writer, translatorDana Gold, lawyer writer, activistShoshana Rivers, psychotherapist, writerJonas Benarroch, filmmaker, progressive Jewish activistAlexandra Cohen, writer, comedienneRachel Sweeney, writer, director, actorSpencer Slovic, writer and filmmakerJeff Schioppa, union repMarina Weiss, poet, writing teacher, therapistJason Horn, writerNatasha Jacobs, musician, composerHelene Klodawsky, filmmakerMelissa Oresky, artist, educatorGabrielle Lawlor, artistDan Goldman, writer and artistCharles E. Schwartz, MD, Associate Professor of MedicineSarah Kaufman, writer and composerMeg Gamble, bakerDavid Yaffe, writer and professor, Syracuse UniversityYasmine Lucas, PhD Candidate and writerAli Millar, writerSara Roberts, psychologistErica X Eisen, writer and editor at Hypocrite ReaderYankel Rey, writerDavid Moscoe, writer with Spring MagazineAmy Horowitz, writer, activist, scholarRachel Solnick, academicJessica Deutsch, artistDylan Tate-Howarth, poet and dramaturgeAlisa Solomon, writerAllison Stachel, educatorJesse David Fox, writer and podcasterL. Kinsler, writerTatiana Ansin, artistMarisa Budnick, artistJonah Gold, photographerGreg Afinogenov, historian, writerEmily Friedman, art historianAmanda Paige Inman, writerDanny Unger, poet, writerLeah Wendzinski, artistTali Levi, artistMolly Kaplan, musician and academicMatthew Stein, filmmakerEmery Tillman, artistLauren Klein, writer and professorDara Messinger, documentary film programmerRebecca Jacobs, cultural producerVictoria Restler, writer/artist/scholarJulia Selden, actorScott W. Stern, writerAlexa Karolinski, filmmakerRemi Kalir, writer, educatorEdward Frumkin, writerGideon Fink Shapiro, writerLeah Galant, artistPhilip N. Cohen, sociologistLuciana Arbus-Scandiffio, writerRaine Fefrara, writerWL Chapkis, writerJon-Luc Kelly, activistLindsay Meiman, writer and activistRaquel Smoot, counselorLance Rubin, authorKatie Schorr, writerAndrea Brenner, social servicesMatthew Specktor, writerMaya Solovej, writer, editorBob Danton, writer, researcher, academic, artistDebra Levine, writer and teacherJustin Cohen, author, activistHallie Berkson-Gold, organizerSimon Schlesinger, writer/artistGracie Rittenberg, artistJames Marcus, writer, editor, translatorCeleste Chan, artist and writerEli Speigel, filmmakerJonathan Howard Katz, composer and pianistNoah Schamus, filmmakerRy Spada, historianMelissa LawrenceSarah Liorah Goodman, screenwriter/directorAbe Louise Young, writerRebecca Titus, artistPaul HaackeRy Joachim, writer, artist, mental health professional, researcher, public health professionalSara Roy, academicSky Goodman, artist, poet, educatorDaniel Amsterdam, historianMegan Velzy, writerAngel Ryono, research writerSarah Ema Friedland, filmmaker and artistEJ Linigton, EducatorDeena R. Hurwitz, human rights lawyer and educatorRebecca Maria Goldschmidt, artist, cultural workerRaphael Helfand, writer, editorJudy Jones, Writer, editorMireille Juchau, writerAvianna Miller, artistKaren-Sue Taussig, anthropologist, professorSandy Polishuk, oral historian, writerHannah Salyer, author and illustratorAlice Mosley, music teacher and social justice advocateJoLillian Zwerdling, writer, activistJuan Pablo Hernandez Gutierrez, artistAria Davis, artistOlivia Giovetti, writerJoshua Barnett, architect, union organizerSam Levahrens, writerAndrea Mindel, artistDamon R. Young, writer, professorCharlie Phillips, documentary filmmakerSarah Feldman, artistRabbit Stoddard, writerBen Ehrenreich, writerHannah Rain Finegold, artist, writer, archivistDavid Rosenberg, authorNivedita, ResearcherAaron Sherman Hopes, writer, anthropologist, activistRebecca Alpert, writerAvram Alpert, writerFallon Gold, writer, artistBarbara Koeppel, investigative reporterPamela Chernoff, writerMilana Vayntrub, actor, directorLisa Smolkin, artistJoshua Schwebel, artistIlene CohenAmy BT, EducatorKoko Hubara, writer (Finland)Lori Adelman, writerCharity Cimarron, artist, educatorAdeline Rosenberg, writerSusan Schneider, writer, editorRachel Feltman, writer, editorJacob Engelberg, assistant professor of film, media, and culture, University of AmsterdamNate Kleinman, writer, farmer, artist, activist/organizerBenjamin Weil, writer and researcherFelice Swadls, musicianmonika jaeckel, independent artist-researcherFelice Swados, musicianJon Weisberger, writer, musicianElise Engler, artistMyron Tuman, writerElliott Sharp, Composer, artist, authorAlexa L., poet, editoralinahh ever, artist, ritual leader, songleaderJon Blum, phd student and writerJason Rosenholtz-Witt, assistant professor of musicology, Western Kentucky UniversitySam Bresnick, writerDavis Whitfield, musicianAri Paul, writer and editorWill Glovinsky, writer, professorCheryl Zatuchni, ArtistAnya Groner, writerChana Porter, Novelist, playwrightAmy Galland, activist, writerArielle Rebekah, writer, activistZach Schwartz-Weinstein, writerAriel Lown Lewiton, writerNaomi Scheman, philosophy professor emerita, writerSeth Brodsky, professorSophia Salganicoff, artist, designer, creative directorDaniel Kaufman, Writer, artist, podcasterBen Wurgaft, writerLisa Schlesinger, writerLaura Weinthal, arts writerStacy Nakell, Writer, psychotherapistDidi Chanoch, writer and translatorNadia Greenspan, trauma therapistAtalia Omer, academicBeian Klug, Hon Fellow in Social Philosophy, Campion Hall, Oxford UniversityAbigail AndrewsLaurence Goldbetter, President, National Writers UnionAri Alison, certified listener poetEsther Ouray, theater artistWill Bloom, lawyer and writerLucinda Rosenfeld, writerChrysta Cherrie, writerJohn Bloom, Professor and writerfrances bartkowski, writerSteve Solomon, real estateNick Levine, musician, songwriterStefanie Iris Weiss, writerErica Robbins, concerned citizenTom Pisarek, EducatorClaire Phillips, writerPaula Rosenblum, Research AnalystJames Feldman, personRobert Segal, pediatricianFelix Hernandez, artistBen Schwartz, writerThomas Turner, student of historyBarry M Greenberg, ProducerBenjamin Hoffman, comedian, organizerJenny Bass, ArtistRaquel Willerman, PhD, LCSW, psychotherapistSara Frischer, artistBarry Considine, WriterFawzia Afzal-Khan, academic, writer, artistKaren Froming, PhD, psychologistRenée Steinhagen, public interest attorneyMJ Rosenberg, writer, former editor of AIPAC weeklyHava Gordon, Professor of sociology, University of DenverDavid Libert, Author, music executiveMiriam Feldman, artistDaniel Smith, author, psychotherapistAmy Scarr, lawyerSam Freilich, writerOlie Brice, musicianLaura Nadvornii-Madeld’ora, writer, artistVicki Hirsch Holm, artistJonathan S. Abady, civil rights lawyer and activistHayley Brown, researcher and writerKaren Sue GaddyCharlene (Cohen) Fix, writerAmos Poe, writerEric Prileson, graduate student researcher, Washington State UniversityWesley A Hoaglund, urban plannerBonnie Stelzer, writer and activistSandra H. Tarlin, poetLaura J. Shapiro, writerSarah Myers, writerBara Hladik, writer, artist, researcherBarbara Schulman, activistElliot Schiff, playwrightJordan Friedman, rabbinical studentDavid M. Mittelman, professorJane PapRobert Adams, landscaperDr Ken Lipenga, writerMarlana Botnick Fireman, writer, editorMiriam MooreRobin Bernstein, writerEmma Lee, writerNancy AdamsDr. Emily Kanner, writerKeith Russell, RetiredJon Letman, writerPaul Von Blum, UCLA faculty member, writer, activistRachel Shelden, historianJo Rivera, graphic designerRandy Ostrow, filmmakerRuthie Epstein, advocateHannah Lillith Assadi, writerEmily Faye Ratner, media maker, organizer, lawyerMeital Yaniv, writer, artistSuzan Goodman MD MPH, writer; doctorCypress Atlas, activist, therapist, performance artist, DJKai Rosenfield, poetTasha Milkman, artistJonathan M. Katz, journalist, author, and writer of The Racket newsletterAndy Zee, host, The RNL-Revolution Nothing Less-ShowSasha Velour, writer, artist, drag queenKatie Carpenter, educatorMaddie Tepper, writer, academic, activistWilliam Fisher, theatre directorManiko Dru Dadigan, artistSusan Gitenstein Assadi, artistCoralie Colmez, writerJoscelyn Jurich, writerCarol Kaplan, Professor EmeritusHugh EvansJane Hirschmann, author, community organizerSamantha Weiss Hills, writer and editorLouis Chase, studentCarole Fabricant, writer and teacherDaniel Owen, writerSaiya Miller, artist/musician/writer/activistMiriam Shakow, professorJohanna Isaacson, writerMalcolm Segall (Dr), retired pediatricianNicky Enright, artistScott J Hunter, writer and editorKit Schaaf-Poms, artist, archivistMackenzie Shivers, artistKristen Hall, HR professionalRuby Zuckerman, writerNate Fridson, comedianDavid Schwartz, Ph.D., psychologist/psychoanalystJean-Louis Cech, blog editorDeborah Cowen, writer & scholarAnna Winger, writer, producerStuart Roberts, writerNadja Millner-Larsen, writerSascha Bollag, food bloggerOwen Schwartz, artistDavid Ross, filmmakerDoug Rossinow, historianTalia Barrington, journalist, dancerRachel Runya Katz, writerElizabeth ParksAlex Brownstein-Carter, artist, musician, filmmakerMyrna Schwartz, psychologistPeter Suber, writer, scholarVera Desmond, artistWendy Goldman Rohm, author, editorJames E. L. Rich, writerSaul Halfon, professorHank Rubin, writerJoan Beerman, Ph.D., psychologistAmy Shuster, college teacherEric Bliman, poetDiane Wittner, writer, artistErrol Schweizer, freelance writer, podcaster, editorMeredith Maran, queer Jewish writerCarrie Stanziola, writerMarc Siegel, writer and teacherClaire Bernstein, playwright and screenwriterHelena Lipstadt, writerRebecca Katherine Hirsch, writerDerek Tilton, writerAnnu Daftuar, PhD candidateSuzanne Schneider, writerGreg Dvorak, writer, professor, artistFred Block, sociologistLia Bonfilio, actor and movement artistBen Greenberg, journalistAnne Horowitz, editorDavid Calnitsky, sociologyMati Shemoelof, writer, poetBunny Morgan-Brown, writer, artist, creative directorJessica Cohen, translatorAbigail B. Bakan, Professor, University of TorontoJackie Holtzman, galleryRivkah Beth Medow, filmmakerAdrian Mann, writerJean Trounstine, writer, professor, prison activistCarol Munter, psychoanalyst, writerAlicia Jeanine Hyman, musicianErika Zucker, lawyer, labor & worker advocateRebecca Posner, artist and writerRivkah Lapidus, artist, writer, psychotherapistJohn C. LandersLiz Mermin, filmmaker, writerEllen Tremper, English professor, Brooklyn College, CUNYChris Russell, artistStanley M. Hordes, historianDebby Smith, writer and editorMichael, Steven, Smith, writer and editorJodi Gallagher, writerDr. Stephen Frantz, scientistJean Trounstine, writer, professor, prison activistNina Renata Aron, writer, editorDr. G. Samantha Rosenthal, historianJosh TeitelbaumSophie Block, physicistJoseph Zernik, activistJonathan Memmert, poet,writerMarjorie Cohn, writer at TruthoutRoss Lerner, writerMadelyn Bennett, writer/editorDan Archer, graphic journalistAustin Grossman, writerIlana Cruger-Zaken, writerPhyllis Bennis, writerOlga Lexell, writerEitan Schramm, writer, editor, friend-shapedFelix Biederman, podcaster, writerJoan W. Scott, Professor EmeritusSelina Fillinger, writerDaniel Efram, photo journalist, photographer, producerBilal AliAaron Warner, writerHannah Connolly, activistNancy Feinstein, activist/artistHarriet Lyons, anthropologistRobert Woolley, FarmerSteven I.Levine, writer, editorDavid Mivasair, rabbiDouglas Gershon Aaron, social workerLil Blume, writerAlan Wald, writerDavid Nagler, songwriterSid Shniad, activistArt Mohr, artistHarold Shuster, organizerFerne Cristall, activistRickie Solinger, historian, writerJudith Deutsch, psychoanalystNatalie Rothman, Professor of History, University of TorontoJames Frankie Thomas, writerJonathan Memmert, poet, writerPaul Wallfisch, musicianSonia Jaffe Robbins, freelance copy editor, writerMiryam Segal, writer, professorDr. Stephen Frantz, scientist/writerRuth Sergel, artist and authorApollinaire Scherr, writerAvrum Rosner, writerJess Jacobs, writer, filmmaker, activistCarl Rosenberg, member, Independent Jewish Voices-CanadaJohn Worrell, artistRichard Wollman, poet and sculptorMadeline G. Levine, retired professor, literary translatorRichard Feldman, Activist, writerAndrew Lyons, AnthropologistDev Mayaan, writerMaxine Kaufman-Lacusta, translator, editor, occasional writerCassandra Kutev, Ph.D. student of Rhetoric and Composition at Texas Woman’s UniversityShelby Kutev, academic at texas woman’s universityMia Susan Amir, transdisciplinary artist and cultural organizerIris Keltz, writerJeff Scheible, writerRichard Speiglman, health & human services researcher, criminologist & organizerMaxine Kaufman-Lacusta, translator, editor, occasional writerStuart M. Ross, writerVivienne Simon, writer, activistMarc Salomon, activistAmanda Jane Getty, editorRebekah Hart, psychotherapist, poetCarole Edelsky, writerAnn Blevins, educatorChelsea Gregory, artistTimmy Simonds, ArtistJason Baskette, ArtistKirsten Johnston, editorNancy Freund-Fetters, writerLynn Dougherty, writer, property managerRabbi Lynn Gottlieb, writer, playwrightSamantha Levin, historian and archivistDavid L. Mandel, writer, editor, human rights attorneyMartin Satter, medical physicistEdh Stanley, compilation artistJenny Stormy Staats, film makerMarcella Erkens, Volunteer in a HospiceSarah Cline, teacher, musicianJay Blackwood, artistDaniel Sarah Karasik, writer and editorJessie Labov, writer, editor, professorErin Reim, PsyD studentKarl Schwartz, artist – painterDan Hirschman, professorIrina Rivkin, singer, songwriter, educator, humanRobert Finnegan, writerAnne A-R (Abitbol), artistMichele Aaron, writer, professorSamuel Stein, writerSandy Pasch, advocateAurelia Kalisky, scholar and activistAllison Freedman Weisberg, writerAndy Kahn, rabbi, writer, editorClara Levy, ArtistDoctor Ted Bailey, author/researcherPatricia Tracy, activist/organizerDebbie Nadolney, artist, curatorAlison Glick, writer, activistDustin Friedman, associate professor, American UniversityNatasha Gill, author, founder of TRACK4 conflict mediation simulationsIsra Dain, EducatorZachary Sklar, writerZena Breumelhof, artistCheryl Gaster, activistDavid Wittenberg, writer, academicNorbert Hirschhorn, poet, public health physicianRachel Gerry, editorJonathan K London, professorAaron Lehman, artistMartha A Nixon, artistJacques Lezra, writer, professorElizabeth Block, potter & craftswomanAsher Hasan, MD, impact entrepreneurMaya Townsend, writerSteven Meinrath, writer, musicianKellye Britton, mother, writer, advocate, ally, liberationistPeter Werbe, writerSteven Meinrath, writer, musicianJosh Chesler, writerReisa Levine, media creator, teacherIf you want to add your name, fill out this form.This letter was originally published on n+1 magazine.