A total of 146 opposition MPs have been suspended from both houses of Parliament as of Thursday, December 21.While 49 MPs were suspended in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday, 78 were suspended on Monday. Monday’s suspensions included 33 in the Lok Sabha and 45 in the Rajya Sabha. On Thursday, a total of 14 MPs were suspended (13 in Lok Sabha and one in Rajya Sabha).On Wednesday, two more Lok Sabha MPs were suspended. On Thursday, three more were suspended in the lower house.As of now 100 MPs from the opposition have been suspended from the Lok Sabha and 46 from the Rajya Sabha.The suspensions come as opposition MPs have demanded a statement from Union home minister Amit Shah on the security breach in Parliament on December 13 when two men jumped from the visitor’s gallery and opened yellow smoke canisters. While both Shah and prime minister Narendra Modi have spoken separately to news outlets, they are yet to give a statement in the house. Modi attended the BJP parliamentary party meeting on Tuesday and accused the opposition of “justifying” the security breach but did not come to the house.Opposition members have accused the Modi government of “delegitimising democracy” and “bulldozing” the opposition with the suspensions.Here’s a list of all the opposition MPs who have been suspended from both houses of parliament.Visualisation by Soumashree Sarkar.This report is being updated as more MPs are suspended.